Countries Of The World – Base Atlas

Countries Of The World – Base Atlas

Countries Of The World – Base Atlas


This fully interactive MindManger / HTML digital knowledge map is a visually structured framework of  knowledge seed branches for each of the 248 countries / territories of the world – as officially defined by ISO-3166-1: Codes For The Representation Of Names Of Countries – arranged as sub-branches within the ‘bigger picture framework’ of seed branches for every UN defined Macro Geographical (Continental) Regions, Intermediary Regions & Sub-Regions. All the seed branches have a rich range of knowledge elements visibly embedded within them or attached to them, including bespoke location maps and multiple links to ‘core’ general and geographic knowledge resources about the geographic entity. This is the base map upon which all our more focused, countries of the world  ‘atlas’ knowledge maps are built, but it can also be used as a starting point for users for their own ‘country-based’ projects.

Price: £999.99 (inc. VAT)

Explore the product tabs below for…

  • a full product description as well as comprehensive descriptions of the general features, knowledge seed branches and knowledge link collections that make up this knowledge atlas map.
  • the full range of buying options (this map may also be available as part of one or more product bundles).

Don’t forget that you can also view / download a sample map in MindManager (.mmap) or HTML5 (.html) format.


Our Countries of the World – Base Atlas provides the base visual knowledge framework for all our ‘atlas’ knowledge maps about the countries of the world. It is comprised of knowledge seed branches for each country – as officially defined by ISO-3166-1: Codes For The Representation Of Names Of Countries – arranged as sub-branches within in an ‘org-tree’ base framework of seed branches for every UN defined Macro Geographical (Continental) Regions, Intermediary Regions & Sub-Regions.

All the seed branches have a rich range of visual knowledge elements embedded within them or attached to them…

Outline shape shows the nature of the country’s borders with it’s equivelant neighbours (‘island’, ‘land-locked’ etc.).

Images of thumbnail location maps & country flags.

Single data fields of contextual geostatistical data such as geographic area & population.

Index marker tags to add contextual knowledge and enable ‘geo intelligent’ map filtering;

Internal hyperlinks to parent region/ sub country branchs to aid navigation; and

External hyperlinks to official / definitive / plain old useful public domain knowledge resources about the countries and macro-geographic regions of the world – such as the United Nations Data, CIA World Factbook, Factsheets and World Leaders & GovernmentsDirectory and many Wikipedia categories, main articles, portals, outlines & lists.

Combined together in one map, they provide a rich ‘base level’ of contextual knowledge & knowledge resource links about every country of the world, and the ‘bigger picture’ of the macro-geographic region & sub-region of which they are part, which provide the base visual knowledge framework for all ‘countries of the world atlas knowledge maps’ we create.

MindManager Users – As well as ‘full featured viewing and interactive querying & filtering, you are free to edit, add to, adapt and/or re-purpose this map in whole or in part, and/or use it as a source of content that can be added to your own existing maps. For example…

  • Record the important information from the listed resources in the map (as a note or sub-branches) as you discover it to create a ‘single source of truth’ for your research project that’s always up to date.
  • Copy and paste a ‘GEO’ tag group to an existing map, assign to branches as appropriate, and interactively filter using your new found ‘geo-intelligence’ 😉
  • Tag team members to specific Region / Country branches to create a virtual sales / operational territory map with built-in links to the world’s best public domain general and geographic knowledge resources (or physically re-arrange the regions / countries to form the territories).

Explore the product tabs for comprehensive descriptions of the knowledge seed branches and knowledge link collections that make up this knowledge atlas map, as well as view / download a sample map in MindManager (.mmap) or HTML5 (.html) format. ….

You can buy the latest edition of the Countries of the World Base Atlas Map on it’s own, or bundled with the other  Knowledge Atlases which are based on it, below. Looking for other atlas knowledge map combinations? Browse the ‘Related Maps’ tab on the map product page.

Price: £999.99

May also be available as part of one or more product bundles

As well as the definitive list of 'building blocks' of our world, our knowledge maps are a visually structured portal to all the official / definitive / plain old useful knowledge resources to be found about them in the public domain. All in a single shareable HTML file, viewable by anybody on any device with a browser. Not bad, ken?
Angus McDonald
Scotland The Map Project Director and Knowledge Mappers Founder & CEO
Do not only go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Philosopher and Transcendentalist
A map is the greatest of all epic poems. It's lines and colours show the realisation of great dreams.
Gilbert Hovey Grosvenor
'Father of Photo-Journalism' & 1st Full-Time Editor Of National Geographic Magazine


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