Knowledge Mappers is a digital mapping consultancy & publishing company with a unique mix of geographic & knowledge mapping expertise. Our ground-breaking products & services visually connect individuals, teams, organisations & communities with the knowledge resources that they need… to do what they need to do… quicker, easier, and with a lot less stress :-)
Professionally crafted & curated knowledge maps of real world & conceptual ‘spaces’ of human interest & endeavour. Like all maps, they are visually structured registers of the ‘things’ that define the ‘space’, and the ‘spatial’ relationships between them. But they are also registers of – and portals to – official / definitive / ‘plain old useful’ knowledge resources about those ‘things’ available in the public domain. Maps can be downloaded in both original MindManager (.mmap) and HTML5 format, and so can be viewed in any browser, on any device, without the need for adtitonal plugins.
The School Travel Health Check (STHC) Spatial Analysis Service is an example of a GI consultancy project for one local authority in 2004 that soon “grew arms and legs” to become a ground-breaking, nationally available service. It provides high quality, spatial intelligence to local authorities, school communities and other stakeholders interested in how children travel to school, from where, and how far they travel to get there.
Please share this page with your networks so that as many people, organisations and communities as possible can benefit from the Scotland the Map project knowledge maps.
Groundbreaking Geographic & Knowledge Mapping Products & Services that visually connect individuals, teams, organisations & communities with what they need to know… so that they can do what they need to do… quicker, easier and with a lot less stress :-)
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© Copyright 2005-24 – Knowledge Mappers Limited – Registered in Scotland – Company Number SC278136