Generic Calendars – Base

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Generic Calendars – Base

Generic Calendars – Base

Our Base Generic Calendar map provides the base visual knowledge framework for all ‘calendar’ knowledge maps that can be used for any year in the Gregorian (‘Western’) calendar.

The framework consists of knowledge seed branches for each of the 12 generic months of the year (eg. ‘January’), each with sub-branches for every generic day of the month (eg. ‘Jan 1’), arranged in a vertically branching (‘org-tree’) layout.

All the seed  branches have a rich range of visual knowledge elements embedded within, or attached to, them – such as unique icon graphic,  ‘traditional’ monthly calendar grid (spreadsheet) for handy reference, multiple hyperlinks to official / definitive / plain old useful online knowledge resources about the day or month (eg. the Wikipedia chronicle portal page for ‘Jan 1‘), and a range of time-related marker tags that enable the map to be filtered to show only branches with those values. Together they provide a rich ‘base level’ of contextual knowledge & knowledge resource links about every generic day and month of any year (see the ‘Seed Branches’ tab for a detailed description).

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A bespoke product video for this time based knowledge calendar map will appear here soon as we redevelop our store. In the meanwhile watch our walk-through video of a previous version of our calendar to give you an idea of what our calendar maps are about. .

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Standard Calender Year

Generic Calendar - Basic
Generic Calendar - Basic
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT CLICK** Visually structured framework of rich knowledge seed branches of generic months of the year (eg. 'Jan') - each with unique text, icon graphic, embedded 'traditional' generic monthly calendar grid - and sub-branches for each generic day of the month (eg. 'Jan 1'). 'Standard' year begins on Jan 1st., 'Academic' on Aug 1st.
Price: £999.99
File Format :

Academic Calender Year

Generic Calendar - Basic (Academic Edition)
Generic Calendar - Basic (Academic Edition)
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION - DO NOT CLICK** Visually structured framework of rich knowledge seed branches of generic months of the year (eg. 'Jan') - each with unique text, icon graphic, embedded 'traditional' generic monthly calendar grid and sub-branches for each generic day of the month (eg. 'Jan 1'). Generic year layout begins on Aug 1st.
Price: £999.99
File Format :

Browse the other maps in our Time-Based (Calendar) category below, or return to the store home page.

Annual Calendars - General International (US Edition)

Annual Calendars - General International (US Edition)

As per the 'International Calendar', plus further sub-branches for nationally significant days & public holidays specific to the United States and its constituent states.
Coming Soon

Time Related Templates

Time Related Templates

Variety of top-to-bottom & bottom-to-top configurations of complete time sequences from seconds, to centuries to enable users to construct their own timeline maps tas required.
Coming Soon


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