Annual Calendars – Base

Annual Calendars – Base

Annual Calendars – Base

Our Base Annual Calendar Maps are built on the Basic Calendar Map for the same year – so a visual framework of main branches for the 12 months of the specifc year, each with 28-31 sub-branches for each day of the month, all arranged in a vertically branching (‘org-tree’) layout, with all branches uniquely identified by embedded bespoke image & textual description of the specific month or date and day of the week – but with the addition of a rich range of visual knowledge elements embedded within, or attached to, them….

Spreadsheet table ‘traditional’ monthly calendar grid for handy reference;

Time-related index marker tags to enable map filtering;

Internal hyperlinks to parent month / sub day branchs to aid navigation; and

External hyperlinks to official / definitive / plain old useful public domain knowledge resources about the generic and specific month / day – and events thereon – such as ‘on this day’ type sites like Days of the Year, National Today, On This Day & Time and Date, and the Wikipedia chronicle portal page for generic or specific days.

Together these elements provide a rich ‘base level’ of contextual knowledge & knowledge resource links about every day and month of a specific year, which provide the base visual knowledge framework for all ‘calendar knowledge maps’ we create for a specific (Gregorian (‘Western’) calendar) year.

  MindManager Users: As well as ‘full featured viewing and interactive querying & filtering, you are free to edit, add to, adapt and/or re-purpose this map in whole or in part, and/or use it as a source of content that can be added to your own existing maps. For example…

  • Add your own diary events to schedule, plan & run your own activities (eg. add agenda as a note / sub-branches and run the meeting using the map, adding notes and actions as you go for ‘instant minutes’).
  • Once your year is over, your calendar map becomes your instantly accessible, detailed archive file of what happened when.
  • Your ‘business year’ doesn’t start on January 1st? Mix and match main branches from different years to create your own bespoke annual calendar map.

Explore the product tabs for comprehensive descriptions of the knowledge seed branches and knowledge link collections that make up this knowledge calendar map, as well as view / download a sample map in MindManager (.mmap) or HTML5 (.html) format. ….

You can buy the base calendar map for the current year on it’s own or bundled with up to the next 10 years immediately below. Looking for other years? Browse the ‘Buy All Years’ tab below

Base Annual Calendar - Current Year Only
Base Annual Calendar – Current Year Only
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION – DO NOT CLICK** Single Base Annual Calendar Map for the current year (2024).
Price: £999.99
Base Calendar Bundle - Current Year + 1
Base Calendar Bundle – Current Year + 1
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION – DO NOT CLICK** Bundle of Base Annual Calendar Maps for the current year (2024) + next year (2025).
Price: £999.99
Price: £998.99
Base Annual Calendar Bundle - Current Year + 2
Base Annual Calendar Bundle – Current Year + 2
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION – DO NOT CLICK** Bundle of Base Annual Calendar Maps for the current year (2024) + the next 2 years (2025-26).
Price: £999.99
Price: £998.99
Base Annual Calendar Bundle - Current Year + 5
Base Annual Calendar Bundle – Current Year + 5
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION – DO NOT CLICK** Bundle of Base Annual Calendar Maps for the current year (2024) + the next 5 years (2025-29).
Price: £999.99
Price: £998.99
Base Annual Calendar Bundle - Current Year + 10
Base Annual Calendar Bundle – Current Year + 10
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION – DO NOT CLICK** Bundle of Base Annual Calendar Maps for the current year (2024) + the next 10 years (2025-34).
Price: £999.99
Price: £998.99
All Calendars Bundle - Current Year
All Calendars Bundle – Current Year
**PRODUCT UNDER CONSTRUCTION – DO NOT CLICK** Bundle of all types of Annual Calendar Maps – Basic, Base and General – for the current year (2024).
Price: £999.99
Price: £998.99

Price: £999.99

May also be available as part of one or more product bundles

We take full advantage of MindManager’s many unique ‘information cartography’ features when creating our unique maps so we can pack in 1000’s of ‘bits’ of knowledge into a single, visually structured, intuitive to navigate document that can be easily shared. Here are the main features of this Base Annual Calendar Map …

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Big Map With 100's Of Branches & Links And Capacity For Plenty More

MindManager maps can have 1000’s of branches without affecting the map ‘performance’ when viewed, either in MindManager software, or in a browser (the exported HTML version). Thus mapping 12 months + 365 days of the year is ‘ a skoosh‘ (as we say in Scotland ;-), with plenty of spare capacity for users to add their own content.

The biggest knowledge map we have created so far has 20,000+ branches – enough for us to knowledge map the solar system [INSERT LINK] and all the Countries of the World – so we can be fairly confident that we can map all the ‘things’ in a knowledge space before we start!

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Grid Style Layout Enables 'Thumb Friendly' Browsing & Ease Of Use

The main map branches are physically arranged in an ‘organisation map & vertical tree’ (‘Org-Tre’) layout to form a familiar calendar ‘grid’ of months and days. This…

  • ‘packs as much in’ to a single screen view as possible.
  • minimises the amount of user scrolling to access the content as branches expand vertically down (rather than horizontally across as in a ‘traditional’ radial map layout).
  • makes for much more ‘thumb friendly browsing’, especially on small screens.

In terms of logical layout, by default the 1st column in our annual calendar maps is for the month of January, but MindManager users are free to re-arrange and ‘mix and match’ content from other maps to build their own ‘business year ‘calendar as required.

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Embedded & Attached Elements Provide Additional Contextual Knowledge

Knowledge elements embedded within, or attached to, seed branches provide another ‘channel’ of knowlegde that adds context to the more detailed knowledge contained in the multiple official / definitive / ‘plain old useful’ public domain resources linked to in the seed branch. Elements like…

  • unique icons & images
  • spreadsheet tables
  • charts
  • single data fields
  • index marker tags

When ‘core’ knowledge from those resources is incorporated into branches using these elements it reduces the need to consult them in the first place. Also some of the elements can be used to ‘conditionally format’ the map eg. colouring the branches based on a particular data value. For example identifying ‘weekend days’ in the calendar by colouring the branches with a ‘Sat’ or ‘Sun’ tag from the ‘Day of the Week’ marker group.

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Visually Rich 'Knowledge Seed' Branch For Every Specific Month

As well as defining the physical and logical layout of the map, the 1st level branches are also ‘knowledge seed points’ for each specific month of the specified year. They are visually rich, with a unique, embedded, specific month and year bespoke image & textual description, as well as an embedded monthly calendar grid showing the days of the month and days of the week (embedded spreadsheets are another of MindManager’s unique features).

The attached elements of internal navigation links to all the days of the month sub-branches, external links to public domain resources about the generic and specific month and happenings thereon, and index marker tags that enable dynamic ‘temporal filtering’ of the map contents (and any other map they are incorporated in), further add to the branch’s ‘knowledge richness’.

A full description of all the knowledge elements embedded within, and attached to, this seed branch is given in the ‘ Seed Branches’ tab.

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Visually Rich 'Knowledge Seed' Branch For Every Specific Day Of The Year

Likewise the 2nd level branches are ‘knowledge seed points’ for each specific day of the specified month of the specified year. They are similarly visually rich, with a unique, embedded, specific day of the week, month and year ‘double calendar’ bespoke image & ‘rich’ (ie. variably formatted) textual description. They are also coloured differently if they are ‘working week’ or ‘weekend’ days (controlled by a ‘Smart Rule’ involving the ‘Day of the Week’ tag, so easily re-definable by MindManager users).

The attached elements of internal links to the ‘parent’ month branch, external links to public domain resources about the generic and specific date and happenings thereon, and index marker tags that enable dynamic ‘temporal filtering’ of the map contents (and any other map they are incorporated in), further add to the branch’s ‘knowledge richness’.

A full description of all the knowledge elements embedded within, and attached to, this seed branch is given in the ‘ Seed Branches’ tab.

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Attached Multiple Hyperlinks To Public Domain Knowledge Resources

Multiple hyperlinks to definitive / official / ‘plain old useful’ knowledge resources available in the public domain about the subject attached to seed branches is another key feature of our knowledge maps. The ‘user definable link text’ (another unque MindManager feature) allows us to give clarity as to the resource being linked to (which can be very variable if left to the default text provided by the website).

As well as increasing the amount of knowledge that can be ‘squeezed’ into a map without increasing the ‘visual clutter’ of additional branches, it means these links can be retained if the seed branches are used in other maps, or this map is re-purposed. 

The full list of multiple knowledge resource hyperlinks attached to all the seed topics in this map is given in the ‘ Seed Branches’ tab.

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Attached Index Marker Tag Groups Enable 'Temporal Intelligent' & Other Map Filtering

Branches in the map may be tagged with one or more ‘index markers’ from one or more ‘marker groups’. These enable intelligent map filtering and quick navigation. The prefix to the tag group name indicates the subject nature of the tags. For example the ‘TIME’ tags, as used in this map,  are all temporal in nature – such as dates, days, weeks, months etc. – which gives the map in-built ‘temporal intelligence’ and the ability to be ‘time-filtered’. 

Note that MindManager software users can copy and paste any of the marker groups in this map to any other map, thereby adding ‘temporal intelligence’ to them too, even if they are not time focused.

The full list of index marker tags attached to all the seed topics in this map is given in the ‘ Seed Branches’ tab.

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Map Legend Branch Describes Each Topic 'Type' With Links To Further Information

Every map needs to have a legend that explains the cartographic structure, colours and symbology used, and our knowledge maps are no different. The ‘Map Legend’ branch describes each ‘type’ of map branch, and all the elements embedded within and attached to them, with links to further knowledge resources about the subject where necessary.

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'Contributing Online Knowledge-bases Branch' With Links To Further Information

We hunt down and assess many official / definitive / ‘at least practical & useful’ online knowledge resources in the process of creating our maps. The ‘Contributing Online Knowledge-bases’ branch has links to all the ones that are actually linked to in the main map content, as well as some others that aren’t (for whatever reason) but are nonetheless a good additional source of knowledge about the subject.

It is a frustrating fact of life that some online resources are organised better than others, and not all are ‘linkable to’ at the individual ‘building block’ level and so can’t be included in seed branches.

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User Definable Visual Formatting Using Built-in Topic Styles & Smart Rules

The visual formatting of all the map elements is controlled using a combination of Map Theme, Topic Styles and Smart Rules via our structured system of topic styles. The structured system makes for easier alteration ‘on the hoof’ and therefore quicker map building.

Note MindManager software users can change the appearance of the whole map with just a few clicks eg. to match their own ‘in-house’ style & branding.

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With 8,695 knowledge resource links over 2,509 branches, this map is a useful, contextual knowledge resource in it’s own right, as well as being a visually structured index of the best definitive / official / plain old useful knowledge resources available in the public domain about the political makeup of Scotland’s 1,227 Local Councillors, 354 Electoral Wards and 32 Local Councils. Thanks to MindManager’s unique capabilities it has plenty of spare capacity for further content to be added in the future.

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With 8,695 knowledge resource links over 2,509 branches, this map is a useful, contextual knowledge resource in it’s own right, as well as being a visually structured index of the best definitive / official / plain old useful knowledge resources available in the public domain about the political makeup of Scotland’s 1,227 Local Councillors, 354 Electoral Wards and 32 Local Councils. Thanks to MindManager’s unique capabilities it has plenty of spare capacity for further content to be added in the future.

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Every time you tear a leaf off a calendar, you present a new place for new ideas and progress.
Charles Kettering
American inventor, engineer & businessman
My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there.
Charles Kettering
American inventor, engineer & businessman
You have to calendar time for yourself even if you have no idea what you're going to do with it.
Susie Bright
American feminist, author and journalist
Yesterday's the past, tomorrow's the future, but today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.
Bil Keane
American Cartoonist
LP Hartley
The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.
Leslie Poles Hartley
British author of 'The Go Between'


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